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2D Featured Creator Bundle - MGG

This asset is part of the 2D Featured Creator Bundle - MGG  bundle



Amazing Background Pack with 19 Backgrounds – Parallaxed and Stackable Bring new life to your fantasy games with extremely beautiful fantasy backgrounds. This pack is filled with 19 eye-catching PSD layered fantasy backgrounds. Perfect for beginner and expert game developers alike, Fantasy Backgrounds Pack is ready to use. All the backgrounds included in this pack come in 2 most commonly used sizes – 1920×1080 and 2048×1536. From elegant mountainous landscapes and forests to beautiful castles and fortresses, get everything in this game backgrounds pack. Each fantasy game background contains detailed PSD layers with foregrounds and background items to select/deselect. Game developers can easily stack/align the backgrounds horizontally to create an infinite loop. Included JPG file makes it easy to integrate and test backgrounds in game.   Use this amazing backgrounds for the game you are developing or any other commercial or free product you can think of. Game developers can use this pack to create an eye candy looking game. Some of the backgrounds are Parallaxed and Stackable horizontally.   19 Parallax Game Backgrounds Sizes: 1920×1080 and 2048×1536px File Types: PSD – 2-4 Layers JPG – Yes Repeatable – Yes
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Active Since: June 2015

Published Products: 26

Followers: 31


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xDreamlander 4 years ago

@MGG I bought this pack forever ago, but I cannot access it in my Email anymore, not sure why. How can I re-acquire the pack assets? I'm on Twitter @xDreamlander

corys 5 years ago

What does that comment mean? Are the background sets not separated by the different layers in the package? (PNG for each layer?) @MGG

MGG 5 years ago

Hi @Corys, All backgrounds contain separate PNG layers. Some contain more and some less. Please not that not all BGs in this pack are actually stackable. Regards Julia

Necrohunter 5 years ago

there is no way u can buy this and instantly use for parallax, because the pictures are not modular... i have now to make them modular by myself even thought im a programmer and not artist...

Necrohunter 5 years ago

well, beeing honest, some of them are quite good like the forest.. artstyle is nice too, but stuff like the inside castle is horrible.

MGG 5 years ago

Hi @Necrohunter, Sorry for the issue you seem to be having. Some of the assets are indeed not parallax, but we will be happy to reimburse you if you are not satisfied? Regards Julia McCarthy

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19 Parallax Game Backgrounds

Handcrafted by MGG


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1.0
Last updated August 29, 2018
Included formats jpg, png, psd
Created in Photoshop
File size 328.87 MB
Changelog N/A

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