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2D > Objects > Weapons and Tools

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200 Inventory Objects for your Roleplaying or Adventure games! 32x32 pixels per tile.
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HappyUFO's profile image

Active Since: April 2014

Published Products: 7

Followers: 1


Avg : 3.33( 3  reviews )

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These are great! They all come as one big image file on that brown background, though - if you have ImageMagick, you can run this command to split them into transparent 32x32 tiles:

`convert -transparent rgb(147

girasquid - 2 years ago


all the stupid assets come in one image that is not editable. waste of time. i want my money back

gamedev90 - 9 years ago


Really like them, nicely detailed for 32x32!

Oyed - 10 years ago


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HappyUFO 8 years ago

@cactusbear yeah I was really confused, I've worked with a lot of programmers over the years and almost never asked to split spritesheets up into 1's seems inefficient to me. I'm not sure about compatibility with MV as I have Ace, but whatever I can do to make it compatible let me know, if I remember correctly, the icon sets can be any length but they can't be wider than 15 icons so you may just have to snip off the 16th icon at the end and put those along the bottom instead. I will remember for the future they don't accept more than 15 across

CactusBear 8 years ago

Some of these take me back to Ragnarok Online! Half-star reviewer doesn't know how to use spritesheets ;) Is this compatible or can easily be made compatible with RPG Maker MV?

HappyUFO 9 years ago

@matrexsvigil I made a tiny version of the potions that fit into 16x16, the others might have some trouble without refinishing

MatrexsVigil 9 years ago

Do these scale well down to 16x16?

girasquid 10 years ago

Do you have a list of all the items?

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200 RPG Inventory Loot Drops

Avg : 3.33( 3  reviews )

Handcrafted by HappyUFO


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1
Last updated June 9, 2014
Included formats .PNG
Created in Paint Shop Pro
File size 70.07 KB
Changelog First version

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