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A high quality tileset package for topdown games. 128x128 hand painted tiles to create your grassland level. Includes cliff walls, grass, flowers, mine entrance, water, trees, bushes and more. Features - *UPDATE 1.2* Seasonal Color Variations - 245+ tiles in 128x128 resolution - Waterfall and water animations (optional) - Optional shadows - Example scene included - Comes in 3 Color versions - PSD with adjustment layers Example level comes in a .json file format, it can be opened in, for an example, 'Tiled Map Editor'.
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DanielThomas's profile image

Active Since: August 2015

Published Products: 9

Followers: 47


Avg : 5( 4  reviews )

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I realy like the fact that there are still some updates.

BlaueBohne - 5 years ago


I also love the fact you give the PSD file for more options! Top work!

RRFreelance - 7 years ago


Absolutely gorgeous set that fits together in endless ways. Brilliant work, I hope you make more!

bking20 - 7 years ago


Great quality and colors. Main problems are the lack of a matching character set and that all of the tiles are located in one large asset image (per color and resolution size). This isn't a problem if I am working with Tiled, but many other programs (Xcode/SpriteKit) don't natively read this.

alecdoconnor - 7 years ago


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Klownzilla 3 years ago

Ok so am I stupid or what? On the display image you see complete paths and everything...I purchased this and only got square isolated grassborders or anything. How can I make paths with this?!?!?

alecdoconnor 5 years ago

@danielthomas There is an issue with your last upload where the mountain is missing the corners. About 16 sprites are gone.

DanielThomas 5 years ago

@alecdoconnor I saw that, sorry about that, I have fixed it but the update has been waiting for approval over the weekend. Should be approved in a few days.

trolly 5 years ago

does anyone found nices characters for this tileset?

ixgames 7 years ago

@DanelThomas You said you had a scene ready in the package. but the scene is not in the package! Where is it?

ixgames 7 years ago

@DanielThomas You said you had a scene ready in the package. but the scene is not in the package! Where is it?

DanielThomas 7 years ago

Don't you get the .JSON file? As mentioned in the description a json file is provided that you will need to open in, for an example, TILED-map editor. If you don't have this file, or any other problems, please shoot me an email found in the readme.txt

ixgames 7 years ago

Yes, this is correct ... sorry for my ignorance. I thought json was only possible to put text .. kkk. thank you! It worked perfectly? just one more question you'll continue to add more tiles of this genre. more rocks and trees would be great.

caio0290 7 years ago

Where are the Characters? I really would like to buy

DanielThomas 7 years ago

They will be delayed, there was much more work than anticipated.

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2D Hand Painted - Grassland Tileset

Avg : 5( 4  reviews )

Handcrafted by DanielThomas


(VAT may apply)

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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1.3
Last updated May 4, 2021
Included formats png, psd
Created in Photoshop
File size 134.06 MB
Changelog * Added new tiles * new water border transitions

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