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Tileset containing graphics for the creation of grasslands-themed maps.



  • 46 Floor autotiles
  •  - Beach, Lakes, Grass, Dirt, Sand, Rock, Hills, Treetops, Hedges and variations
  • 512 Tiles for objects
  •  - Trees, Flowers, Bushes, Dead Trees
  •  - Rocks, Mossy Rocks, Signs, Bridges
  •  - Ruins, Stone Walls, Wells, Graves
  •  - Mushroom Village
  • Animated objects
  • Includes Tiled file with terrains

Leave comments with suggestions! I'm always looking into adding useful stuff to these packs. You can contact me at [email protected]

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Author Details

7Soul's profile image

Active Since: June 2014

Published Products: 8

Followers: 18


Avg : 4.83( 3  reviews )

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I love all your tilesets 7soul, they are very bright and colorful, and go great with the 16bit game that I am working on! I only wish there was more of them, I'd love to see a snow themed tileset to go with the others!


swordmater - 7 years ago


a touch on the 'soft' side which does not fully fit my type of CRPG I am building, but with the low price this actually makes it worth buying. So I think the price is good in that sense. Someone using ALL tiles think it is super cheap, I can use parts and think it is just right.
As for the art itself, it looks great.

prometheusheir - 9 years ago


This is probably the most complete tile set I've come across for such a low price, in my opinion this set is under-priced, but I really do like the look and feel of this one. The only reason I'm giving this pack 4.5/5 is because besides the water, nothing else animates which can leave the maps I'm making look kinda blan. If 7Soul added a few frames for swaying flowers or blowing grass then it would easily get a 5/5!

rabidbluejay1 - 10 years ago


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Filipinjo 6 years ago

Hello! Nice tiles! By the way... I already purchased this pack 3 years ago and just recently I saw the updated version on, will you be updating the pack here as well?

7Soul 6 years ago

Yes, I'm just adding some final touches but it'll be here either today or tomorrow

B1ackDragon2k 10 years ago

This is an amazing set! To be honest you should raise the price, it's really low for what you're selling. I've seen similar sets like Oryx's sets which sell for $30, I'm not saying make it that high, but $15 or $20 seems fairer for you.

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7Soul's RPG Graphics - Tiles - Grasslands

Avg : 4.83( 3  reviews )

Handcrafted by 7Soul


(VAT may apply)

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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 2.1
Last updated May 23, 2018
Included formats png, gif
Created in PyxelEdit, Photoshop
File size 973.91 KB
Changelog -> Complete remake 46 Floor autotiles 512 Tiles for objects Added animated objects Includes TileD file with terrains

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