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3D > Objects > Weapons and Tools

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A collection of low poly sword and scabbard models. All models have standard steel and rusted steel textures and some have bronze. All swords have their origin points at the grip. Each sword type has its own folder containing its meshes and textures. There is also a folder containing a blender file with all sword models and all textures. The blend files reference their textures via relative paths and will automatically link with textures as long as the textures are in the same folder as the blend file. The blend files have mixRGB nodes set up to switch between clean and rusted texture variants. Each model is UV mapped with non-overlapping UVs. Sword triangle counts range between 488 and 1195. Sword vertex counts range between 320 and 767. Scabbard triangle counts range between 276 and 882. Scabbard vertex counts range between 177 and 499.   Sword types include: - Dagger - 2 arming swords (Oakeshott type XII and XV) - 2 longswords (Oakeshott type XIIa and XVa) - Greatsword (Oakeshott type XVIIIe) - Falcata - Gladius - Xiphos - Turko-Mongol saber - Shamshir   Includes Blend, FBX, and OBJ formats. PBR textures are in 2K resolution and include for each model: - Diffuse - Diffuse Rusted - Metallic - Metallic-Smoothness (Combined metallic and smoothness for compatibility with Unity's standard shader. Stores metallic as colour and smoothness as alpha). - Metallic-Smoothness Rusted - Smoothness - Smoothness Rusted - Normal Map   Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I would be happy to upload additional formats and/or texture resolutions if needed. [email protected]
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Active Since: January 2022

Published Products: 4

Followers: 2


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Ancient and Medieval Swords

Handcrafted by TyoRex


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1.0
Last updated November 7, 2022
Included formats fbx, blend, obj, mtl, png
Created in Blender
File size 559.2 MB
Changelog N/A
Poly count 12826
UV Mapped

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