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The elves have been busy in the Epic Stock Media sound effects workshop this holiday season. And just in time for Christmas, they’ve outdone themselves by crafting the shiny all new Christmas & Holiday Sound Effects Library. It’s a complete collection of Christmas and winter holiday sound effects that’s perfect for YouTube videos, games, home videos, films, app games, podcasts, theatrical performances, explainer videos or any multi-media production.

Professional or novice, sound engineer or hobbyist can save a stocking full of time and immediately boost the quality of any production. Sounds of Jingle Bells, sleigh bells, Santa Claus and character voiceovers, Christmas magic sounds, whooshes and transitions, Santa’s sleigh fly-bys, fire and fireplace sound, toys and wrapping presents, tree decorating and background loops. Over 900 sound effects, loops, source and designed sounds. Premixed and mastered, everything is ready to use out of the box.

Think of all the time you’ll save with Christmas & Holiday Sound Effects Library from Epic Stock Media

No need for camping out on Christmas Eve trying to lure Santa with milk and cookies, just to get some sounds of ole St. Nick.

Much faster than setting up a recording studio in your home and putting microphones on your rooftop to capture Santa Claus and his reindeer fly by. Much safer too… and by the way, we used Sennheiser 416, AT4033a and Earthworks M30 microphones for all recordings at a 192k sample rate. That would set you back a few grand by itself!

Less expensive than paying a dozen elves from the North Pole to come to your studio to make toy sounds and ring endless jingle bells. (Honestly, that was a little annoying for us.)

If you’ve ever tried to record Christmas Magic… well, you know it’s nearly impossible.

  • T’was the Night Before Deadline
  • T’was the night before deadline and all through the night
  • Your stress was increasing your sounds we’re not right
  • Mic cables were hung but the session sounds bad
  • Til Epic Stock Media good sounds did you add!

Christmas & Holiday Sound Effects for Creating Engaging Audio Experiences

Enjoy a complete collection that will take your holiday scenes from the mundane and stale to a magical holiday celebration in sound. Sounds of Jingle Bells, sound of sleigh bells, wind chimes, Santa Claus and character voiceovers, Christmas magic sounds, whooshes and transitions, Santa’s sleigh fly-bys, sound of fire and fireplace sounds, toys and wrapping presents, garland hanging, beads and bell movements, pick-ups and set-downs, sound of packages opening, paper crumples, sound of curling ribbon, tree decorating and background loops and if you listen closely, you’ll even hear Santa Clause after he’s had a few too many at the pub!

Christmas & Holiday Sound Library includes over 900 sound effects, loops, source and designed sounds. Premixed and mastered, everything is ready to use out of the box (RTU-OTB). Just drag and drop into your project. We’ve even included multiple sound file formats.

For professionals, all of the sounds are delivered in 44.1kHz/16bit .WAV file format. That means you’ll have the best quality to maintain a top-notch level of clarity and precision for sound editing, pitch shifting, and effects processing.

Now you can deck the halls of your sound productions with a winter wonderland of sound. Unwrap Christmas & Holiday Sound Library this season and you won’t need to stay up all night searching for some illusive Christmas magic. Those hard to find sounds are all right here in crystal clear HD audio quality. Usher in glad tidings and good cheer instantly with this winter wonderland of sound.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

Special Production Note: We know you were wondering… Yes, we used the Prancer & Blitzen windscreens on all sleigh ride recordings. ?

Product Details:

  • 942 mixed and mastered audio files
  • It’s time to celebrate an audio Christmas miracle!
  • 3.61GB of audio samples
  • Over 1 hour and 40+ minutes of sound
  • All in 44.1k 16Bit .wav file format
  • Includes Soundminer metadata

  • 244 scripted dialogue lines (voiceovers) from Santa Claus, Old Lady, Drunk Santa and Child/Elf like, “merry christmas, happy holidays, seasons greetings to all” and much more
  • 196 angelic chimes, bells, tinkles, clings, blings, sparkles, glistens, from sleigh bells, wind chimes, glockenspiels, jingle bells & more
  • 75 game sounds like ice break, bell notifications, coins, awards, positive magic chimes, treasure sparkles & more
  • 43-holiday spirit filled loops like fireplace, frosty winter wind, jingle bell loops, coffee shop, a street festival, mall with kids playing & more
  • 80 high-quality present Foley sounds like wrapping, open box, handling paper, tape, ribbons etc.
  • 122 fun filled toy cranks, dinosaur movements, winds, hums, spins, whistles, shakes, slinky, toy car, & more
  • 74 Christmas tree Foley sounds, decorations, handling ornaments, garland, beads, presents, perfect for setting the holiday scene.
  • 108 joyful whooshes & seasonal themed transitions like Santa’s sleigh pass-by, icy gust of wind whooshes, magic bells & so much more!
  • 2 bonus public domain music tracks: Jingle Bells, and Joy To The World
  • All royalty-free
  • RTU-OTB (ready to use out of the box)

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Active Since: October 2015

Published Products: 278

Followers: 14


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Christmas & Holiday Sound Effects Library

Handcrafted by Epicstockmedia


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1.0
Last updated June 26, 2019
Included formats .wav
Created in logic
File size 902.35 MB
Changelog N/A
Duration 01:40:00
Loops seamlessly
Bitrate 16
Sample rate 44100

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