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GUI > Icons

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Go global with over 250 pixel art flags! These regional flags can be used as buttons in language & location selection interfaces or even factions in a strategy game gui.

This pack includes all flags of the regional indicator symbol index (Emoji) and more!



  • Rectangular format (24x16px .PNG)
  • Square format (16x16px .PNG)
  • Includes large files with all flags & single pngs with standalone flags

Included Assets

  • 251 all current world region flags (complete regional indicator set)
  • 14 empty color palette flags
  • 2 bonus flags (pirate flag 🏴‍☠️, racing flag 🏁)

Regional Indicator Flags:

  • AC Ascension Island
  • AD Andorra
  • AE United Arab Emirates
  • AF Afghanistan
  • AG Antigua & Barbuda
  • AI Anguilla
  • AL Albania
  • AM Armenia
  • AO Angola
  • AQ Antarctica
  • AR Argentina
  • AS American Samoa
  • AT Austria
  • AU Australia
  • AW Aruba
  • AX Åland Islands
  • AZ Azerbaijan
  • BA Bosnia & Herzegovina
  • BB Barbados
  • BD Bangladesh
  • BE Belgium
  • BF Burkina Faso
  • BG Bulgaria
  • BH Bahrain
  • BI Burundi
  • BJ Benin
  • BL St. Barthélemy
  • BM Bermuda
  • BN Brunei
  • BO Bolivia
  • BQ Caribbean Netherlands
  • BR Brazil
  • BS Bahamas
  • BT Bhutan
  • BW Botswana
  • BY Belarus
  • BZ Belize
  • CA Canada
  • CC Cocos (Keeling) Islands
  • CD Congo - Kinshasa
  • CF Central African Republic
  • CG Congo - Brazzaville
  • CH Switzerland
  • CI Côte d'Ivoire
  • CK Cook Islands
  • CL Chile
  • CM Cameroon
  • CN China
  • CO Colombia
  • CQ Sark
  • CR Costa Rica
  • CU Cuba
  • CV Cape Verde
  • CW Curaçao
  • CX Christmas Island
  • CY Cyprus
  • CZ Czechia
  • DE Germany
  • DG Diego Garcia
  • DJ Djibouti
  • DK Denmark
  • DM Dominica
  • DO Dominican Republic
  • DZ Algeria
  • EA Ceuta & Melilla
  • EC Ecuador
  • EE Estonia
  • EG Egypt
  • EH Western Sahara
  • ER Eritrea
  • ES Spain
  • ET Ethiopia
  • EU European Union
  • FI Finland
  • FJ Fiji
  • FK Falkland Islands
  • FM Micronesia
  • FO Faroe Islands
  • FR France
  • GA Gabon
  • GB United Kingdom
  • GD Grenada
  • GE Georgia
  • GF French Guiana
  • GG Guernsey
  • GH Ghana
  • GI Gibraltar
  • GL Greenland
  • GM Gambia
  • GN Guinea
  • GP Guadeloupe
  • GQ Equatorial Guinea
  • GR Greece
  • GS South Georgia & South Sandwich Islands
  • GT Guatemala
  • GU Guam
  • GW Guinea-Bissau
  • GY Guyana
  • HK Hong Kong SAR China
  • HN Honduras
  • HR Croatia
  • HT Haiti
  • HU Hungary
  • IC Canary Islands
  • ID Indonesia
  • IE Ireland
  • IL Israel
  • IM Isle of Man
  • IN India
  • IQ Iraq
  • IR Iran
  • IS Iceland
  • IT Italy
  • JE Jersey
  • JM Jamaica
  • JO Jordan
  • JP Japan
  • KE Kenya
  • KG Kyrgyzstan
  • KH Cambodia
  • KI Kiribati
  • KM Comoros
  • KN St. Kitts & Nevis
  • KP North Korea
  • KR South Korea
  • KW Kuwait
  • KY Cayman Islands
  • KZ Kazakhstan
  • LA Laos
  • LB Lebanon
  • LC St. Lucia
  • LI Liechtenstein
  • LK Sri Lanka
  • LR Liberia
  • LS Lesotho
  • LT Lithuania
  • LU Luxembourg
  • LV Latvia
  • LY Libya
  • MA Morocco
  • MC Monaco
  • MD Moldova
  • ME Montenegro
  • MG Madagascar
  • MH Marshall Islands
  • MK North Macedonia
  • ML Mali
  • MM Myanmar (Burma)
  • MN Mongolia
  • MO Macao SAR China
  • MP Northern Mariana Islands
  • MQ Martinique
  • MR Mauritania
  • MS Montserrat
  • MT Malta
  • MU Mauritius
  • MV Maldives
  • MW Malawi
  • MX Mexico
  • MY Malaysia
  • MZ Mozambique
  • NA Namibia
  • NC New Caledonia
  • NE Niger
  • NF Norfolk Island
  • NG Nigeria
  • NI Nicaragua
  • NL Netherlands
  • NO Norway
  • NP Nepal
  • NR Nauru
  • NU Niue
  • NZ New Zealand
  • OM Oman
  • PA Panama
  • PE Peru
  • PF French Polynesia
  • PG Papua New Guinea
  • PH Philippines
  • PK Pakistan
  • PL Poland
  • PM St. Pierre & Miquelon
  • PN Pitcairn Islands
  • PR Puerto Rico
  • PS Palestinian Territories
  • PT Portugal
  • PW Palau
  • PY Paraguay
  • QA Qatar
  • RE Réunion
  • RO Romania
  • RS Serbia
  • RU Russia
  • RW Rwanda
  • SA Saudi Arabia
  • SB Solomon Islands
  • SC Seychelles
  • SD Sudan
  • SE Sweden
  • SG Singapore
  • SH St. Helena
  • SI Slovenia
  • SK Slovakia
  • SL Sierra Leone
  • SM San Marino
  • SN Senegal
  • SO Somalia
  • SR Suriname
  • SS South Sudan
  • ST São Tomé & Príncipe
  • SV El Salvador
  • SX Sint Maarten
  • SY Syria
  • SZ Eswatini
  • TA Tristan da Cunha
  • TC Turks & Caicos Islands
  • TF French Southern Territories
  • TG Togo
  • TH Thailand
  • TJ Tajikistan
  • TK Tokelau
  • TL Timor-Leste
  • TM Turkmenistan
  • TN Tunisia
  • TO Tonga
  • TR Türkiye
  • TT Trinidad & Tobago
  • TV Tuvalu
  • TW Taiwan
  • TZ Tanzania
  • UA Ukraine
  • UG Uganda
  • UN United Nations
  • US United States
  • UY Uruguay
  • UZ Uzbekistan
  • VA Vatican City
  • VC St. Vincent & Grenadines
  • VE Venezuela
  • VG British Virgin Islands
  • VI U.S. Virgin Islands
  • VN Vietnam
  • VU Vanuatu
  • WF Wallis & Futuna
  • WS Samoa
  • XK Kosovo
  • YE Yemen
  • YT Mayotte
  • ZA South Africa
  • ZM Zambia
  • ZW Zimbabwe

Note:  The following regional indicators are missing because they use another existing identical flag:
BV Bouvet Island -> uses NO Norway flag
CP Clipperton Island -> uses FR France flag
HM Heard & McDonald Islands -> uses AU Australia flag
IO British Indian Ocean Territory -> uses DG Diego Garcia flag
MC Monaco -> uses ID Indonesia flag
MF St. Martin -> uses FR France flag
TD Chad -> uses RO Romania flag
SJ  Svalbard & Jan Mayen -> uses NO Norway flag


Empty Flags

  • Empty Red
  • Empty Burgundy
  • Empty Orange
  • Empty Gray
  • Empty Medium Green
  • Empty Medium Blue
  • Empty Dark Green
  • Empty Black
  • Empty Light Green
  • Empty Yellow
  • Empty Brown
  • Empty Light Blue
  • Empty Gold
  • Empty White


Bonus Flags

  • Checkered
  • Pirate
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Active Since: March 2023

Published Products: 3

Followers: 1


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  • Allow the user of the Media Product to extract the asset or Derivative Works and use them outside of the relevant Media Product.
  • Use assets bought on GDM to create NFTs

You can check out the full Pro Licence here.

Complete Regional Indicator Flags Pack (250+ Assets)

Handcrafted by Snoblin


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1
Last updated July 18, 2024
Included formats PNG
Created in Adobe Photoshop
File size 720.96 KB
Changelog N/A

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