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SHADOWS GUILD is the perfect album and pack for RPG and Adventure projects!!! 38 epic tracks+ seamless= 76 tracks!!!! You've got BATTLES, EXPLORATION and TAVERN music, because of the size, all tracks are only in MP3, if you need WAV, send me a mail. Battles tracks : 1- Bastion 2-Battle beast 3- Burn the sky 4-Death or glory 5- Facing the dragon 6- Monsters 7- Rage 8- The edge of nightmare 9- They fought as legends 10- Under malediction 11- Underworld (+all seamless) Exploration tracks : 1- A story untold 2-Ancien stones 3- Back in the village 4-Elders wisdom 5- Elves 6- Faeries 7- Gateways 8- Illusions 9- Infinite lands 10- Into wild lands 11- Kingdom rises 12-Knight song 13-Lonely day 14-Lost horizon 15-Of sun and sand 16-On the way 17-Seasons 18-Shoreline 19-The village near the lake 20-Thy majesty 21-White river 22-Winter guild 23-Written in stones (+all seamless) Tavern tracks : 1-A band in the inn 2-Jester's dance 3-The bard 4-Le néant (french version) 5-Le néant (instrumental) Composition and production by Nicolas Jeudy. Please, mention DARK FANTASY STUDIO and Nicolas Jeudy if you use these music ! Thank you !
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DFS's profile image

Active Since: August 2017

Published Products: 63

Followers: 19


Avg : 5( 2  reviews )

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Affûtez vos lames, chargez vos sacs, invoquez vos meilleurs sorts et surtout laissez vous emporter par la qualité de cet album digne des meilleures illustrations sonores d'Heroic Fantasy. Des balades celtes aux combats épics on passe par toute une palette d'émotions portée par un travail de qualité. Bravo !

JFHAMARD - 5 years ago


I have bought the musics for the game I am developing (@MonbotsRPG) and it is the perfect addition to the other albums I have bought from Dark Fantasy Studio.
The quality of the melodies are, as always, impressive and superb. I really liked the one which is sung with a great female voice ! I hope there will be other songs of that sort in the future! Thank you, DFS, for this great album.

MonbotsGame - 6 years ago


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Dark Fantasy Studio- Shadows Guild (rpg adventure music)

Avg : 5( 2  reviews )

Handcrafted by DFS


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1.0
Last updated May 22, 2018
Included formats MP3, JPEG, PDF
Created in Cubase
File size 258.7 MB
Changelog N/A
Duration 03:17:00
Loops seamlessly
Bitrate 319
Sample rate 44100

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