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2D > Characters > Humans

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Watch video here Features:
  • unique design and character
  • smooth, fluent 40+ animations
  • amazing quality fx (muzzle flash, smoke trail & explosion)
  • 100% vector
  • exported animations as png sequence and spritesheets
  • source files included for editing and modifying

Weapon Aiming & Firing

aim & shoot in 3 directions possible

Death Styles

4 different death animations that will make your game more interesting! Death when patroulling / walking shot to death death in crouch position and choking to death (for example imagine an area filled with toxic gas)

Run + Walk Animations

Normal run and blind shoot while running.. Same for walking and the normal walk

No Ammo, No problem!

shoot ,shoot, shoot … Reload and repeat!


The amount of animations gives you the capabilities to pull the most out of your game!

Push & Pull

Useful to push or pull obstacles.. (Replace the crate box with your own obstacle in game)


Army like saluting and salute idle

When you spot an enemy..

Take Cover !

Idle behind cover and unhide from cover.


crouch walking

Did you think that was all this package has to offer?

Bazooka. Hell yeah.. Explosion FX included ! Sometimes the best way to eliminate your enemies is ehm… Grenades!

What else?

All the animations you have seen so far are available for 3 skins. Small but noticeable character change.
  1. single eyed
  2. dual eyed
  3. triple eyed
Here a walk animation for all 3 List of animations
  1. aim 45 down shoot
  2. aim 45 down
  3. aim 45 up
  4. aim 45 up shoot
  5. aim straight
  6. bazooka shoot
  7. cover hide
  8. cover idle
  9. cover unhide
  10. crouch aim
  11. crouch death
  12. crouch hurt
  13. crouch idle
  14. crouch move
  15. crouch shoot
  16. death a
  17. death b
  18. death c
  19. dizzy
  20. enemy spotted
  21. forward roll
  22. hurt a
  23. hurt b
  24. idle a
  25. idle b
  26. knockback
  27. last stand
  28. pull
  29. push
  30. reload
  31. roll loop
  32. run
  33. run shoot
  34. salute
  35. salute idle
  36. shoot
  37. slide
  38. slide wall
  39. throw grenade
  40. walk
  41. walk aim
  42. walk shoot
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Author Details

moonstars's profile image

Active Since: October 2015

Published Products: 31

Followers: 8


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NYerinNC 6 years ago

Possible to get this asset climbing? Preferably with gun

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Future Urban Mercenary Character Sprites

Handcrafted by moonstars


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1
Last updated September 11, 2017
Included formats AI,EPS,SVG,SCML,PNG
Created in Adobe Illustrator, Brashmonkey Spriter
File size 382.22 MB
Changelog First version

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