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Tons of game art and assets. Great deal for new developers looking to learn. ($133 value!)

10 Game Packs in Total:

Huge Forest Game Pack, Forest Mountain Pack, Block Forest Pack, Grass Tile Pack, 3 RPG Side Scrolling Backgrounds, Spook Mansion!, Jungle Mountains, Winter Block Tile Pack, Block West Game Tile Pack, Block Mountains.

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Active Since: March 2015

Published Products: 32

Followers: 6


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Maskar 2 years ago

I'm having a little trouble using your files. What version of Adobe Illustrator is required to load the files (ai and eps)? I was kinda expecting them to be compatible with CS2 as there's no mention in the description. As it looks the files require a higher version, would it be possible to upload them saved for a lower version? Would be much appreciated. Also, when loading the eps file in photoshop I noticed some items might be missing. The Forest Block" map seems to be missing the blue crystals and doorway. The "Block West" map seems to be missing the chest

ThePushUpMaster 7 years ago

@Maskar sorry to hear. This is the first I've heard of anyone having trouble with it or that items are missing. Unfortunately, I am unable to upload another version of the bundle. The black bomb is in the Forest Mountain Pack" if it's not in the "Forest Pack.""

Maskar 7 years ago

@ThePushUpMaster I was referring to the folder name, which is Forest_Pack". The file itself is called "Forest_Pack2.3.eps". This is the same as the "Forest Mountain Pack" you mentioned. Could you please check the objects mentioned are indeed included with this bundle 10 archive? I can't find them anywhere.

ThePushUpMaster 7 years ago

@Maskar This bundle has sold well with no issues. The Black bomb is in the Forest_Big_Pack_2" . It is compatible with Illustrator 17 and the EPS files can be opened with multiple programs including illustrator. There is a "" as well as a "" folder; each containing their appropriate retrospective AI and EPS files. This bundle is $20 which sells separately for $140. "

Maskar 7 years ago

@ThePushUpMaster That's a similar, but different bomb. You can see it in the screenshot you've included on this page. I'm assuming the other objects I mentioned (like the brown wheel, chest and flag) are not included in the archive, which is a little disappointing. I suggest updating the file/screenshot to avoid confusion. Also, just fyi, I've installed Illustrator CS6 (trial version) and can confirm the files are not compatible. Shame, but thanks for your help.

TazmanNZL 7 years ago

Hi, I purchased the pack from the mike's bundle. I really like the forest pack but the pngs do not line up. The strip of grass on the flat pieces is thinner than that of the square ones. I tried exporting the sprites from Illustrator myself but they have blurry edges and just don't look right.. Any chance you can export the sprites for me again?

MAPI 7 years ago

Hi there, How about the license, can they be used in my upcoming games? Best Regards Mapi

Freedev 7 years ago

Hello. I correctly understand that in this kit all tiles, backgrounds, traps, etc are delivered as separate sprites? I need to have an Adobe Illustrator to make sprites out of them, or I can just import them in Unity?

ThePushUpMaster 7 years ago

Hi @freedev, Some game packs contain Ai, EPS, and PNG's while others contain vector(AI, EPS) only. For more information you can visit

IgorGomes 7 years ago

Hey man... Its include vectors of these assets? .ai or .svg? Excellent work! :)

ThePushUpMaster 7 years ago

Hey, Yeah, sorry I forgot to mention that. About half include PNGs along with AI and EPS while the others are vector(AI,EPS) only. For more details you can check here:

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Game Tile Pack Bundle 10

Handcrafted by ThePushUpMaster


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1
Last updated June 1, 2017
Included formats PNG, AI, EPS, and FLA
Created in Adobe Illustrator
File size 324.71 MB
Changelog First version

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