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Exterior Tileset, Tools,  Objects, and Animations Pack!

  • 4 Varied Environments for a Gathering, Survival, or RPG Style Game
  • Hundreds of sprite images split between tilesets, character animations, game objects, items, icons, and more for a colorful themed top down game.
  • Scripted Unity Engine Demo with Working Harvesting Mechanics, Pickup Spawning, Basic Player Inventory for Resources, and Player Controller Script that Controls Animation without Blend Trees so Tools can have their transforms keyframed to match player animations.
  • Gatherer Character with 4 Directional Walk and Swing Animations. In Unity demo, the tools animate with the character by having their transform animated in keyframes.
  • 5 Effect Animations for Harvesting and Attacking Hits including a Leaf Falling animation! Because everyone loves smashing weeds.

Purchase includes access to ALL future pack updates. Check Devlogs for all changes to date!

Starter pack for a survival / gathering RPG game. Assets and tilesets are based around a 16x16 pixel grid.  Easy to scale up to higher resolutions if needed. Includes tools for harvesting lumber, gold, and stone from the environment. You can connect different environment zones with bridges and floating rafts. Aseprite and PNG Spritesheet files included.

My Videos Using this Pack

I'm including the gatherer character in the downloads currently as a work in progress for now.

Built using the Apollo 32 Color Palette

Asset License

✔️ You can :

  • Use the assets for non-commercial AND commercial projects.
  • Adapt and/or modify the assets to match your own projects.
  • You can make and sell derivative works inspired from this project.(i.e. if you make a sprite in a similar style, you can sell it or use it how you need to as long as you don't include any of the original sprites included in this pack)

❌ You can NOT :

  • Redistribute or sell any of the original art assets included in this pack
  • Claim this asset as yours. Credit and a link back is appreciated but not required.

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Active Since: July 2017

Published Products: 5

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Gatherer's Exterior RPG Pack

Handcrafted by ChrisTutorials


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1.4
Last updated February 15, 2023
Included formats png, aseprite, cs
Created in Aseprite, Unity
File size 775.21 KB
Changelog V1.4 Update Notes - Scripted out a demo in Unity with gathering mechanics, spawning of pickups after harvesting, resource collection, and a simple inventory. You can use this as the basis for your game if you want. For animating the tools with the spritesheet, I used unity animator transform properties to position the tools for each frame of animation. Since the tools follow the same format of 16x16 size and handle in the bottom left, swapping the sprites works for most of the tools in the swing animation. - Animated the floating bridge rafts to make the scenes more lively - Remade Gatherer Character and animations for all four directions (Idle, Walk, Swing animations) - Unity project has the files setup out of the box so things like sprite pivot points and pixel art sprite settings are mostly set up out of the box.

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