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2D Featured Creator Bundle - Finalbossblues

This asset is part of the 2D Featured Creator Bundle - Finalbossblues  bundle



Bring your game to life in crisp pixel art with these RPG character sprites. This pack includes a wide variety of characters that feel like the classic RPGs of the SNES era. This pack is compatible with all graphics in my Time Fantasy style. Over 80 characters with animations! Here are the details: 32 main "hero/villain" characters
  • 4-directional walking animations
  • Emotion animations: nod, smh, laugh, surprise
  • Special animations: 3-frame weapon or action pose
24 military characters
  • 4-directional walking animations
  • Special animations: 3-frame weapon "ready" pose
  • Multiple factions : medievial solders/knights + modern/future troopers and generals
16 NPCs
  • 4-directional walking animations
  • Recolored NPCs make 32 NPCs
Also Includes
  • a "naked" template sprite for artists
  • 8 animated treasure chests
  • 8 bonus characters from*
  • animal sprites (4 cats, 4 dogs) from*
*these sprites were previously released for free on the timefantasy blog. they're included for convenience
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Author Details

finalbossblues's profile image

Active Since: October 2015

Published Products: 24

Followers: 79


Avg : 5( 2  reviews )

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Movement in four directions, as well as weapon-poses and other stances. What is not to like?! :)

Zerotown - 9 years ago


A great pack with many characters and a very affordable price!

chorrus - 9 years ago


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Playpal64 9 years ago

I just bought the pack, great graphic but in fact there are no combat animation? just poses" with the weapons? I speak of attack animations in 4 directions..."

finalbossblues 9 years ago

@Playpal64 Thanks. :) the walking directions are in all four directions. there is an additional action pose as stated in the description: Special animations: 3-frame weapon ready" pose."

Playpal64 9 years ago

ok but i'm talking about something like this : (sword attack, only 1 direction in this exemple)

finalbossblues 9 years ago

@Playpal64 Looks like a great idea for a future expansion. :)

Playpal64 9 years ago

of course but I rather regret the purchase, I do not see how to make an RPG without fight ...

finalbossblues 9 years ago

@Playpal64 Try using a turn-based battle system; they often use different graphics for the battle sprites so that's why these were made this way. These are map sprites and the description was clear. Sorry you feel that way buddy.

finalbossblues 9 years ago

@Playpal64 Send me an email via and we can work something out

Rixium 7 years ago

Is there still any chance you are considering adding attack animations. Preferably with no weapon, as then there is the option of adding custom weapons.

finalbossblues 7 years ago

@rixium Yes! I will be working on them this summer. I'm hoping to have them finished this fall. :D

zimventures 7 years ago

Definitely a huge bummer that the attack animations aren't present. The screenshot (weapons in hand) kind of eludes that they would be present. That being said - wow, what a great pack. I'd be MORE than happy to inquire about a commission or patreon support to see this added.

kranzky 9 years ago

It was trivial to use the sprite sheets for a game, not sure why people want them separated into individual frames. We purchased this pack for our GGJ16 entry: @finalbossblues: I would love a version of the sprite sheets without the shadow underneath each character... we can add that to the game as a separate sprite

kranzky 9 years ago

Easy as pie to use the sprite sheets with Phaser. Thanks for these. we purchased for our Global Game Jam entry:

finalbossblues 9 years ago

@kranzky thanks buddy! happy to see my guys in your game. :) good idea on the shadowless versions. I'll put it on my to-do list for future updates. thanks.

thebrokentoy 9 years ago

This looks very good and I would like to purchase it. Do you have weapon art that I could use with these sprites?

finalbossblues 9 years ago

@thebrokentoy Not exactly sure what you mean, sorry man. The sprites in the pack have a pose animation and most of those are stances with weapons. If you mean icons or weapons on their own, then I haven't made those yet.

chorrus 9 years ago

What is comfortable for developers is having each character separated in folders, inside the folders each animation should have a different folder, and inside that folder each frame in a different image. Anyway I will rate five stars because I see you are a great artist, anyway I would love to see that update :)

finalbossblues 9 years ago

@chorrus Thanks! I'll work on that. Shouldn't take very long to re-organize them so hopefully I'll update it this weekend.

finalbossblues 9 years ago

Okay the pack has been updated with individual frames. Hope that this is useful! Thanks.

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Over 80 RPG Characters w Animations

Avg : 5( 2  reviews )

Handcrafted by finalbossblues


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1.1
Last updated November 8, 2015
Included formats png
Created in GraphicsGale
File size 1.73 MB
Changelog 1.1 - Added individual frames for user convenience

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