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This pack includes icons for inventory items: weapons, armors, crafting, food, scrolls, books, misc - perfect for your RPG, MMORPG or any other fantasy game. - 124 icons in total. - Each icon is 64x64 pixels size - PSD file for each icon included - layered and in 128x128 pixel size
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Blodyavenger's profile image

Active Since: April 2014

Published Products: 4

Followers: 5


Avg : 4.5( 1  review )

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A good variety pack of icons with good art, but it could probably benefit from a more specific focus. Nonetheless, if you're looking for a more generalized set of icons you can't do wrong with this one, especially for the price.

maiya - 7 years ago


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maiya 2 years ago

For those wondering about the contents such as @Monsterworkbench - cloth boots, cloth leather and plate bracers, cloth chest, leather hood, plate helm, cloth pants, steel shield, wooden shield, broken wooden shield, carrot, cheese, egg, coloured egg variant (think easter egg), meat, cooked meat, soup, spoiled soup, 4 variant necklaces, gold ring, jade ring, blood drop, 3 book variants, silver coins, feather, magic feathers, 2 herb variants, gold key, magic dust, tankard of ale, net, rune stone, satchel, scales, scroll, magic scroll, seed, tooth, copper bar, iron bar, gold bar, steel bar, gem, malachite gem, coal, copper ore, gold ore, iron ore, 2 potion bottles, with empty and 3 full variants each, 2-handed hammer, arrow, axe, battle-axe (2-bit axe), bow, cross-bow, dagger, mace, staff, sword, broken sword, death-magic themed sword, broad (norse") sword

ixgames 7 years ago

How do you show a preview of all the icons?

Monsterworkbench 7 years ago

Any update on getting a list of the items?

KidBuu 8 years ago

@Blodyavenger, I just found your pack and I'm on the fence about buying it. I would like to see a preview of all 124 icons before I buy it. As of right now, I like the quality of the icons in the preview... But I don't see icons that I specifically need/want.

Boysano 9 years ago

Is it 124 unique icons or variations on the ones in the screenshot above? PSD file is great. Can you give a list or description of all icons included please, for example, I do not see leggings or boots or chest or shoulder armor or equipment on the picture?

Blodyavenger 8 years ago

First of all I would like to apologize for such a late reply to everyone! @KidBuu Thank you for taking the interest but I'm afraid I can't provide the whole preview since that would make the pack open for exploitation. I will think about providing more preview though and detailed list of what the pack includes. @Boysano You have a point, and I will take some time to prepare a detailed list of what the icon pack includes.

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RPG Inventory Icons pack 1

Avg : 4.5( 1  review )

Handcrafted by Blodyavenger


(VAT may apply)

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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1
Last updated November 29, 2014
Included formats PNG, PSD
Created in Inkscape + Photoshop
File size 11.28 MB
Changelog First version

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