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Space Environments Terran Void Fighters Explore the darkest reaches of space with this set of exciting Terran Void Fighters for use with the Space environments hexangonal space scenery.

 The Space Environments Terran Void Fighter game hexes vol1 are designed to allow you to create an exciting series of sci-fi scenarios and games for your gaming systems. The Space Environments Terran Void Fighter use 1 inch hexagonal floor tiles and includes ship designs in four stages, complete, shielded and at least two damage tiles. The set also contains rockets, lasers, meteors and other obstacles designed by the award winning artist Quicky. 

The Space Environments Terran Void Fighter game hexes are designed to be combined with the other floorplans in the space environment range. Terran Fighter close up of detail and tile size. Ship and tile designs This item is for use with the following set Space Environment Deep Space Hexagonal Tile Set vol1

 Explore the darkest reaches of space with this set of exciting hexangonal space scenery. The Space Environments Deep Space game hexes vol1 is designed to allow you to create an exciting series of sci-fi scenarios for your gaming systems. The floorplans use 1 inch hexagonal floor tiles and includes star systems, moons and planets designed by the award winning artist Quicky. 

The Space Environments Deep Space game hexes are designed to be combined with the other floorplans in the space environment range.

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Active Since: June 2014

Published Products: 82

Followers: 3


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tcnelson 7 years ago

I miss understood the intended purpose of these graphics. I did purchase your other package as you suggested. So I am all set. Thanks!

tcnelson 7 years ago

Am I missing something with the asset pack? All the images have a water mark over them or at the very least a purple grid.

Quicky 7 years ago

Hi tcnelson, This pack is a series of heganonal design graphics for use with roleplaying systems. (Like the hexagonal space backgrounds set. The hexs over the graphic are to allow the tiles to be places on top of other scenery. There are not for PC based systems unless you want create a turn based tiled grid system. There is another version for PC based games with no grids on. (For creating space invader type games).

Quicky 7 years ago

Hi tcnelson, IF you want just the spaceships there is a high definition template pack as well here. https://www.gamedevmarket.net/asset/terran-void-fighter-template-pack-703/

Quicky 7 years ago

Give me a shout if you are still having issues it may be an uploading bug and I can upload the files again. I think if you check with the site owners you can download the bough items again and again especially with updates are doine. Hope that helps.

Quicky 9 years ago

Not sure if there is a way to on here. you can always FB or Twitter me.

Adelina 10 years ago

Hey, how can I pm you?

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Space Environment Hexagonal Terran Void Fighter spaceship set

Handcrafted by Quicky


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1
Last updated November 8, 2014
Included formats .png, .jpg
Created in Photoshop
File size 76.71 MB
Changelog First version

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