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2D > Objects > Food

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Sweet Brickout give you a lot of visual sprites to create games with a great visual concept. 

Here are the details:

- 10 diferent types of blocks.

- 6 colors + rainbow.

- 42 diferent balls for each block type.

- ·3 supports for play.

- 3 different characters.

- 6 character´s icons.

- 7 explosions spritesheet.

- Support mail: [email protected].


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Author Details

KEITH85's profile image

Active Since: February 2017

Published Products: 90

Followers: 5


Avg : 1( 1  review )

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None of the images are equally distributed on the sprite sheet making cutting impossible. No matter how I have done it, I have received extra space around the images. I can tell they are not equally distributed on the explosions. Dividing the frames across by the width returns a decimal number. That alone tells me there is an extra line after each. In other words, this are too difficult to work with in a game unless you plan to correct the mistakes found in each file. I will change the review once they have been corrected. Until then, It is a one star review for me and I will not buy from this author again.

Here is an example

There are three faces in this sprite sheet and the total width is 2344. If you divide it by 3 you get 781.5. The red hair is cut off from the last sprite.

These are all bad and encourage anyone looking for cute game sprites to look elsewhere. No Source file was ever included in this like you find from other contributors.

There is not ONE CORRECT FILE.

Again, I will take down this review once it has been fixed. If not, I will fight with GameDevMarket for my money back.

eharms1978 - 3 years ago


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eharms1978 3 years ago

I want to add that Game Maker, Tilesetter, and online tile editors all prove the images are not equally distributed. Please correct this. If not, how do I get my money back for this purchase since they are unusable.

KEITH85 3 years ago

Hi again! I sent you an email with all the individual sprites. So sorry again, as I said you, this set was one of my first sets here and I did some noob fails. Have a cool day!

eharms1978 3 years ago

This does not cut correctly, no matter what tool I have used to do so. I can tell that they are not evenly distributed in the sprite sheet with space between the images. For example, the explosions return a decimal number if I divide the image width by the frames. It is even worse when it comes to trying to cut the cakes. Hopefully the author will respond with the dimensions of each cake and ball size if I am wrong here.

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Sweet Brickout

Avg : 1( 1  review )

Handcrafted by KEITH85


(VAT may apply)

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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1.1.
Last updated June 2, 2021
Included formats PNG
Created in INKSCAPE
File size 17.7 MB
Changelog - All individual sprites included!

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