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2D > Vehicles > Land

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2D Creator Bundle - Wowu

This asset is part of the 2D Creator Bundle - Wowu  bundle



Full package of graphics assets (game kit) for the game with tanks. What do you get in this Game Kit?
  • 5 animated tanks,
  • animated explosion, smokes, exhaust gases, shot,
  • over 20 named weapons (grenade, bomb, rocket, drill, bouncing ball, urchin, nuke, dynamite, Molotov cocktail, plasma, boxing glove, magnet, propeller…),
  • almost 20 obstacles and objects (barrels, trees, rocks, stones, cloud, mine, crates with ammo and repair tools, bridge),
  • 4 repeatable (tiled and parallax-ready) backgrounds,
  • 6 tilesets,
  • GUI with buttons, menu, HUD
  • Logo and splash screen,
  • game and menu screens mock-ups build from sprites,
  • Graphics ready for desktop and mobile games (Android, iOS, Windows Phone...)
Graphics include:
  • 100% vector, full-layered PSD files,
  • PNG assets with transparent background for big displays up to 2048×1536 px (like iPad with Retina display),
  • animated GIF files (i.e moving tank) for preview purposes
Idea of the game:
  • Game is turn-based, with limited time for the player’s move.
  • Players attack each other one by one (not in the same time).
  • Single player, Campaign or Multiplayer (online).
  • Each player has group of his tanks and the goal is to destroy opponent’s tanks. At least one tank has to “stay alive”.
  • The game ends when only one team has valid tanks.
If you know “Worms” (i.e. Armageddon), you can imagine those rules. It's just an idea, those assets are great for side scrolling games also. You get tons of assets included in this pack and... sky is the limit!
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Author Details

wowu's profile image

Active Since: October 2015

Published Products: 26

Followers: 20


Avg : 5( 1  review )

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My next game idea is very similar to this, but with a twist on the gameplay.

This was exactly what I was looking for. Great content. Keep it up!

nacheina - 9 years ago


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patrickrainer 4 years ago

@wowu Are you open to make some additional graphics for this asset?

wowu 4 years ago

@patrickrainer I could be available. Please contact with me through my profile page (you could find there my twitter and dribbble accounts).

patrickrainer 4 years ago

@wowu In the technical details is the Vector checked. I downloaded the package, but I can't find any Vector Graphics. How can I get it?

wowu 4 years ago

@patrickrainer All psd files in this package include vector layers. Each object is made with vector layers as you can see here: (I hope this link is visible).

AVINSHU 8 years ago

i just purchased these assets but not being able to download them, whats the reason ? it doesnt even show in my orders.

wowu 2 years ago

@AVINSHU Hey, this is from FAQ: If an asset you have purchased does not show up in your account

blackop 9 years ago

Hi, I purchased your awesome asset with the bundle. I want to build my Game Developing Ebook cover (first page of the ebook) with your asset. Of course I will link back to your asset and name you in the Credits. Please let me know if this is fine for you. If you provide me your email, I can send you the draft of the Cover using your asset. Regards

wowu 9 years ago

@blackop Sure, feel free. Good luck with your ebook!

memo 9 years ago

It is how its named - a game kit. Complete solution for visual part of the game - characters, backgrounds, props, gui, icons. If you want to prototype platformer arena shooter this will satisfy your needs. Pack is well organized with multiple directories, files are named accordingly. Pleasure to look at and use.

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  • Make changes to any asset bought/downloaded
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Tank Wars - Game Kit

Avg : 5( 1  review )

Handcrafted by wowu


(VAT may apply)

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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1
Last updated December 7, 2015
Included formats psd, png
Created in Adobe Photoshop
File size 61.13 MB
Changelog First version

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