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Audio > Music > Electronica

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To the Top is an impossibly funky and energetic tune with elements of chiptune and synth-funk. It will give your players an insta-shot of win. It's delivered in .wav, .ogg and .mp3 formats (all of which loop seamlessly without popping). Actual song files are louder than watermarked sample file.


From acclaimed synthwave/chiptune composer and producer Amplitude Problem comes a series of seamlessly looping video game tunes in retro-future electronica style, adapted from five different album releases. They range from bright to dark, chill to action-packed, and are always full of the kind of energy that will keep your players immersed and engaged.

All songs were mixed and mastered specifically to retain excellent dynamic range, ensuring your players won't suffer ear fatigue, and leaving the right amount of room for your sound effects. Desktop gaming systems, consoles and mobile devices -- as well as headsets and headphones -- were all part of the equation during mix-down and mastering and these songs will sound great on all of them, even in mono where required.

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amplitudeproblem's profile image

Active Since: October 2015

Published Products: 13

Followers: 1


Avg : 5( 1  review )

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What a grooooove! I cant' sit still, hearing this tune. I use it in my arcade game and it happend that players paused the game just to listen to the music!!!

gameclaus - 9 years ago


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To the Top

Avg : 5( 1  review )

Handcrafted by amplitudeproblem


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1
Last updated October 23, 2015
Included formats wav, ogg, mp3
Created in Propellerhead Reason, iZotope Ozone
File size 38.76 MB
Changelog First version
Duration 00:02:45
Loops seamlessly
Bitrate 1411
Sample rate 44.1

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