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2D > Environments > Building

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Hi !

  Sometimes I dream of places away from the crowds. It's a quieter, more peaceful place. That's why I choose such a theme, to create game assets. I looked for peace in green tones and i finally found what i missed.  Since the zombie is not a peaceful thing, I know that this peace is disturbed by the zombie. But even in peaceful places, setbacks can happen, right? I will consider updating the package in case of demand.

Let's take a look at the package contents.


 First of all the tile dimensions should be 16×16px. This tileset has both ready-made images and brushes for making images. For instance, if the background houses i made are not enough, they will be obtained as desired by using the background house brush in the tileset. Its gaps will be used as doors or glass, and different angles will allow houses to be built in desired shapes. As you can see in the moving image I made, dark houses should be used in the front. The light colored one should be used in background. The feeling of depth that will be created depends on this.

 This is the reason why i give different illuminated options on pavements and floors. I thought to allow whatever is desired. Maybe the floor with different brightness will be put in the back, maybe it will appear as though it is next to it. Maybe you use a different function or just for aesthetics. Or not use it at all! It's up to you.

 There are different power poles in different sizes and colours. This is again to evoke a sense of depth. The smaller and brighter ones should stay on the back layer. I made a way for those who want to add. The sky is certainly something arbitrary. Maybe you can use all of them and make different times of day. Have fun :)

This package includes:

48x background house  dark 256x128 px

32x   background house  bright 256x128 px

5x background house dark 256x192

(background house sizes vary)

bright sidewalk 80x48 px

dark sidewalk 80x48 px

pavement bright in the air 80x32 px

pavement dark in the air  80x32 px

stone column bright 16x48 px

stone column dark 16x48 px

ramp pavement bright 64x64 px

ramp pavement dark  64x64 px

octagon ramp pavement bright 80x80 px

octagon ramp pavement dark 80x80 px

plant bright 48x64 px

plant dark 48x64 px

background house tileset bright 48x48 px

background house tileset dark 48x48 px

wall bright 48x32 px

wall dark  48x32 px

ivy wall  bright 48x32 px

ivy wall  dark  48x32 px

only ivy wall  bright 52x32 px

only ivy wall  bright 52x32 px

stairs 34x16 px

road  (different 3x) 16x16 px

street lamp  bright 38x118 px

street lamp dark 38x118 px

street lamp  dark 28x89 px

wooden lamppost bright 118x115 px

wooden lamppost  dark  259x159 px

only wooden lamppost 1, 35x159  px

only wooden lamppost 2, 35x159  px

cable  1, 208x17 px

cable  2, 208x13 px

cable  3, 48x19 px

cable  4, 32x24 px

 For the things I have done for the sky, I can say the following. Background images are the things that continue each other. You can continue forever by completing the missing parts of the clouds with each other. It's like a jigsaw!

The different colors mean that you can use them for sunset or for an overcast weather. Or for the daytime, I tried to do it by choosing colors that would be appropriate and suitable for various atmospheres to be considered.

This package includes:

purple cloud  48x81 px

purple part of the cloud  16x19 px

pink cloud  48x81 px

pink part of the cloud  16x19 px

grey cloud  48x81 px

grey part of the cloud  16x19 px

blue cloud  48x81 px

blue part of the cloud  16x19 px

alternative piece of dark sky 16x16 px

starry blue sky  16x64 px

blue sky  16x64 px

red sky  16x64 px

grey sky  16x64 px

purple sky  16x64 px

- I have gifts in this package. For example, my normally on sale animated house pack will come as a gift if you buy this pack!

 This package is a different package and more will likely be produced. If these 5 houses are not enough, I recommend you to go to the link and follow the sale. I wanted to put 5 houses of the house package here as a gift :)

link: https://talhagulbahar.itch.io/home-package

This package includes:

1-red roof house 128x160

2-pink stone house 128x150

3-science house  160x192

4-botanical house 128x128

5-market house  256x192

-Running animations that do not belong to this package will be given as a gift.

This package includes:

young runner  40x64 px

zombie 40x64

If there is interest, I can consider an update. Share your thoughts with me. Thanks

I hope you have fun! :)



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Active Since: January 2022

Published Products: 3

Followers: 0


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Town Asset

Handcrafted by talhagulbahar


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1.1
Last updated March 7, 2022
Included formats png, gif
Created in aseprite
File size 541.17 KB
Changelog N/A

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