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2D > Environments > Dungeon

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WinterLand is a 2D Pixelart Platform Tileset with an Artic theme for gamedev. This kit contains a 3-in-1 tileset: Snow Fields, Ice Caves and Cold Dungeons, composed by 319 sprites, all designed to give a cold and winter atmosphere to the game. Snow Fields: A clear and lighted rocky field fully covered by snow. Floor, ceiling, walls, ramps and floating surfaces. Decorating rocks and cold weather trees. Ice Caves: Frozen floor, walls and ramps with a glossy and slippery aspect. The perfecly fitting cave tiles will allow you to create original icy walls at the foreground, giving that cavern style. Cold Dungeon: A Dungeon with a cold aspect. Floor, ceiling, walls and floating surface made out of bricks and covered by snow and ice too. All kind of Dungeon stuff like chests, keys, gems, levers, doors, breakable urns and others. Decoration torches and urns. Metroidvania, Platforms, Sidescrolling or Puzzles are some of the genres that can be built out of this game asset kits. It contains two enemies, a main player with several animations and many others sprites too, all with the same thematic style in order to fully give that artic aspect to the game. Also, you can build your own tiles by mixing any block with a snow or ice toppings, giving a natural and uninterrupted textures to the levels. The formats contained in this game asset kit are:
  • .PNG files (transparent) with resolutions from 16x16 to 256x256
  • .PSD files to modify the sprites as much as you want
  • .GIF files to have a preview of how animations would look like
Complete list of the 319 sprite:
  • 164 Sprites to the Tileset
  • 37 Sprites to animated and static elements: 3 gems, 3 keys, 3 padlocks, a lever, a chest, a pineapple and a breakable urn
  • 2 Parallax Scrolling Backgrounds
  • 8 Separated sprites from the parallax scrolling backgrounds
  • 43 Topping tiles
  •  19 Sprites for the 4 SFX: Explosion, bright, sharp and hit 1 and hit 2
  • 28 Sprites for the Main Player and his 7 animations: iddle, run, jump, attack, crawl, climb and dead
  • 10 Sprites for the enemy 1 (Snowman) and his two animations: iddle and attack
  • 8 Sprites for the enemy 2 (Wolf) and his two animations: iddle and run
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Active Since: August 2017

Published Products: 1

Followers: 0


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elable 7 years ago

Awesome tileset! :) Do you plan to extend this tileset in the future?

vnittiart 7 years ago

Thanks! And sorry for the late response. I don't plan to extend this tileset in the future but I'm currently working on a Winterland 2.0 version. Users that have already bought this version will recibe a free copy.

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Winterland Tileset

Handcrafted by vnittiart


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1
Last updated November 2, 2017
Included formats PNG, PSD, GIF
Created in Photoshop
File size 1.97 MB
Changelog First version

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