MagicSoundEffects is next up for our Member Spotlight series and is our next Featured Creator as well. They're an audio producer from Kazakhstan and have been uploading a superb selection of sound effects on GDM since January 2021, you can check out their full collection here.
GDM Username: MagicSoundEffects
Name/Nickname: Almaz
Age: 39
Country: Kazakhstan.
Developer, Asset Creator or are you a bit of both?:
What’s one tip you would give to someone starting out?:
To be brave and not afraid to create something that doesn't already exist. To be patient in results and persistent in completing projects that have been started. Being independent and not comparing yourself to other publishers.
How do you promote your work (games or assets)?:
Community Marketplaces.
What project are you working on now?:
Dark Lord Voices.
Any completed projects/work you want to promote?
All of my existing products, which you can find here.
And finally, favourite game ever & why?:
Darkest Dungeon! For its own visual style, dark atmosphere, great story and game difficulty, unusual 2D tactical battles, cool soundtrack, sound ambients, sound effects.
GameDev Market is a marketplace for high quality, affordable game assets handcrafted by talented creators from all around the world.
GameDev Network Limited is registered in England & Wales (08951892). Registered office: Baltic Co-Working Space, 12 Jordan Street, Liverpool, UK. L1 0BP. ICO registered (ZA122213).