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Over $400k raised for charity!

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Our most recent Humble Bundle ended last week, rounding up the 6th bundle of assets we’ve put together over the last couple of years.

Each Humble Bundle we run is not only beneficial for GDM and the talented asset creators that are included, they also help to raise huge amounts of money for charities along the way, but even we were surprised at just how much has been raised!

After reviewing the figures for our latest bundle, the total amount that has been raised through the six we have run so far, is an amazing $413,633.58!

Approaching half a million dollars is absolutely fantastic & is something we’re extremely proud of, but none of that would have been possible without all of the asset creators agreeing to be included, so hats off to them!

There’s been 11 different specific charities included in the Humble Bundle deals, as well as the option for bundle buyers to choose their own charity and the 3 largest total amounts raised have been;

Child’s Play – $53,621.32

Hilarity For Charity – $86,367.48

Michael J. Fox Foundation – $121,624.58

While the amounts raised for each charity may only be comparatively small against their other fundraising, every dollar still makes a difference and we’re looking forward to having the opportunity to push past $500,000 and hopefully start the march towards $1m raised in total.

GDM Team

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