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2D > Vehicles > Space

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Starter Set of 2D space shooter sprites aptly named 'Space Rage'.


  • 4 Enemies with animations (turning for ships, rotating for mines). Each in 3 colors.
  • 1 Player ship with turning animation in two colors
  • Shadows for all of the above (animations included)
  • Three explosion animations, 9-11 frames each
  • Set of bullets in three colors and different sizes
  • Four frame blue exhaust animation
  • Simple space background 700x800px

Sprites are the size you see here, so about 64x64 and below for the spaceships.

Includes .png spritesheets with spritemap files. One generic xml and one css-based. Also each sprite as a single .png file.

Thanks for reading this far :)
Disclaimer: I did my best to make this set complete and bug - free, tested all the animations etc. If you spot an error - just let me know and I'll do my best to fix it ASAP and update the files. GameDev Market allows you to download updated versions of sets you own for free :)

I'm going to expand this set, you can help me out by posting what you'd like to see next in the comments below. A matching UI? More ships? Background tilesets? No problem! Just let me know :)

Whoa, long description. Thanks for reading and have fun!
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Author Details

Ravenmore's profile image

Active Since: August 2014

Published Products: 8

Followers: 11


Avg : 4.75( 2  reviews )

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The package comes exactly as advertised, ships and effects are well drawn and easy to use. Thanks and keep up the good work!

Sturmjager - 9 years ago


I am quite impressed - in a very positive way.
Just bought it for someone in my class and I must admit that I received more than I expected. The quality of your work is just amazing. Now it is our turn to put them to good use.
Thank you.

felipeg13 - 10 years ago


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mrboss302 5 years ago

I would like to see more enemy ships with UI and weapon icons.

TonCoder 6 years ago

These look great. If you can do various space tilesets like the few you have on this, it would be wonderful. (mainly cause I am looking for it and would like to purchase it lol) Thanks!

Dovahkyyn 8 years ago

Hi! This assets are awesome. Do you have some UI and items to match this art? Thank you!

Ravenmore 9 years ago

Update! Aside from fixing missing stuff the set now also contains: - Old .psd source files used to generate the sprites above - New clean high-resolution .psd files

felipeg13 10 years ago

Just wanted to say that you need to update your pack in order to match the description. I mean, you forgot to add one enemy in red color. Aaaand... I think that is all.

Ravenmore 7 years ago

@felipeg13 Thanks for noticing! I've uploaded a fix, it's awaiting approval. For anyone who has bought this pack: New version will be marked 1.1" - when you see that version number in the "Technical Information" box above you can download the pack again to recieve updated files containing the missing ship :)

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2D Space Shooter Assets - 'Space Rage'

Avg : 4.75( 2  reviews )

Handcrafted by Ravenmore


(VAT may apply)

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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 2018.1
Last updated June 11, 2018
Included formats .png, .psd
Created in Adobe Photoshop CC
File size 16.99 MB
Changelog - Added platforms - Added turret with mountable gun - Cleaned up images

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