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2D > Backgrounds

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;dr: A basic animated character + Spriter source files. Over 200 square tiles and level/background building elements. Construct 2 source files for the character demo. Details: Animated Character Animations:
  • Jump (ascend+peak+fall)

  • Run 
  • Crouch 
  • Get Hit 
  • Idle 
  • Climb 
  • Contents: 
Ready-to-use Spriter project in two sizes - about 350px tall source and ~80px tall as seen in the demo. Each limb as a separate image (3 for each leg plus 1 extra for showing the character from the back, 1 for each arm, a torso front and back, and head front and back) Exported vertical animation strips at 20fps (you can generate these yourself with the free version of Spriter). Construct 2 .capx file containing the Animated Character Demo from the second link. Tileset This pack contains 105 OVER 200 400(!) tiles and decorative elements! It consists of a basic spring-themed set as seen in the live demo, and a fully compatible frosted/winter version. Each of these sets is divided into three main categories: "background + decorations", "scene building blocks" and "props". Tiles are designed with 64x64 in mind, but 32x32 seems to work decently too (that's the res on the promo pic). Both sets consist of the following core blocks and props. Decorations Modular tree (build your own different trees! Also winter pines)
  • Tree leaves (4) 
  • Bushes (3) 
  • Example background gradient 
  • Berry 
  • Flowers (4) 
  • Mushrooms (3) 
  • Grass (6) 
  • Moss (4) 
  • Snowmam kit 
  • Christmas tree decorations (Different colored lights, stars, colored glass balls) 
  • Snow banks 
  • Icicles 
Level Building 
  • Ladder (2) 
  • Platforms (3) 
  • Ground blocks(18) (+ Winter variants) 
  • Cracked ground blocks (3 "cracked"levels for each block) (+ Winter variants) 
  • Darker "background" blocks(18) (+ Winter variants) 
  • Grass covers for the blocks (9) 
  • Ladder (2) 
  • Platform (3) 
  • Platform err...groove thing. You know, a groove that platforms ride in. Used to indicate which way they move. 
  • Rope (3) 
  • Spikes (+ Winter ice spikes) 
  • Ladder-style beanstalk (2) 
  • Shadows (3) 
  • Key 
  • Coin 
  • Star 
  • Two signposts (exclamation/question mark) 
  • Crate (Closed only) 
  • Crate (Open and Closed) 
  • Large Stone 
  • Balloon 
  • Chest (Open and Closed) 
Included are 512x512(!!) .png source files as well as .psd files used to create this set (for various reasons they're easier to modify than raw .png's...have fun Photoshop users! :)). There's also a brief tutorial on how the level fragment visible in the promo image was made. 
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Author Details

Ravenmore's profile image

Active Since: August 2014

Published Products: 8

Followers: 11


Avg : 5( 1  review )

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Good set to start a platformer with. Style is on par with any commercially released game.

Contains easy to use layered Photoshop files for easy dropping in your mockups. Appreciate the full size source images which make it useful for different scaling purposes.

J234232 - 10 years ago


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blackop 9 years ago

Do you sell the player+animation in an additional asset? ;)

Ravenmore 9 years ago

@blackop Not yet! :) Adding a player has been on my ToDo list for a long while. I even bought a Spriter license recently. We'll see where that goes :)

ahqing316 9 years ago

@Ravenmore Demo link in description does not work anymore. I guess the correct link should be this one:

Ravenmore 9 years ago

@ahqing316 Yes, that's correct. Scirra moved to a new version of their Arcade and didn't bother to move the games. Demo is available here: Exactly as you pointed out :) I'll update the description when I find a spare moment.

Predatorie 9 years ago

Hi, just picked up the $5 pack to prototype some ideas and if this works out I will very likely purchase the full license. I did have a question, I noticed you used Construct 2 for the demo scene, would it be at all possible to include the project in the asset pack for those of use learning Construct, I think it would help immensely. Thanks again and keep up the good work

Ravenmore 10 years ago

For some reason I don't quite fathom GDM's submission form text formatting failed me completely :) Until I find a way to fix this, here's a properly formatted description available on my site:

Ravenmore 10 years ago

@Ravenmore Update: formatting now works ;) Feel free to check out my other stuff on GDM :)

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Painterly Platformer Pack

Avg : 5( 1  review )

Handcrafted by Ravenmore


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1.2
Last updated February 2, 2017
Included formats .png .psd
Created in Adobe Photoshop CC
File size 216.24 MB
Changelog Added animated character & winter tiles.

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