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The Ultimate Magic Spells Sound Effects Pack

Once again by listening to suggestions from you, the developers, the following format was decided as the most beneficial for each spell: Cast, Shoot, Loop, Target Hit. We also included a lot of Buffs, some De-Buffs, and a few Spawn sounds. The beauty of this pack is that you can even mix the elements from different spell types to create your own. There is no right or wrong in a fantasy world! If you read a bit more below, I'll provide some good tips to make the most of this pack.



  • Cast: This action can happen for example before shooting the spell. You can make the cast longer by using the Loops provided until it's time to shoot the spell.
  • Loops: Our 40 loops provided are top-notch quality with seamless transitions. They are not strictly bounded by a spell type. They are useful right after the spell Cast, or even after the Target Hit where they can linger a bit until they fade out.
  • Shoots: For the sound of a launched spell, we use the Shoot action. Shoots don't have any impact characteristics, which is why in the moment of connection we use Target Hit.
  • Target Hit: This is triggered when your spell hits the target. Strong impact characteristics with fast attack time.
  • Buffs and De-Buffs: These can be activated by a spell, or however you want them to appear. They are not spell-type bound and can be used in any way that you need.
  • Spawns: A few bonus sounds good for spawning enemies.



  1. You really only need 2 things to connect your actions smoothly, and those are Fade-Ins and Fade-Outs. Depending on their curve, you'll get different results. For example, if you want to use a Loop with your Cast, trigger them at the same time but give the Loop a long Fade-In, so that it comes to the first plan right as the Cast sound goes down. At the same time that your Target Hit starts, initiate a steep Fade-Out on the Shoot SFX. It all depends on what you need for your game of course.
  2. Play with the overall volume of the Loops if necessary. I found that lowering the volume of the Loop makes it blend much better with the rest of the Actions when used in the context of spells.
  3. Use Loops, Spawns, or other actions to create Portal sounds!
  4. Mix Shoots and Target Hits with your Sword and other melee weapons to give them magic properties.
  5. Experiment and create different arrangements, with actions from different spell types.


  • We appreciate hearing from our buyers and value your feedback! Leaving a review, providing suggestions, or reaching out to us directly helps us understand your needs and preferences better. As authors, we genuinely enjoy interacting with the developers who use our product.


Thank you,

Cyberwave Orchestra

[email protected]

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Active Since: July 2021

Published Products: 8

Followers: 1


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The Ultimate Magic Spells Sound Effects Pack

Handcrafted by CyberwaveOrchestra


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Technical Details

Name Value
Version 1.0
Last updated July 7, 2023
Included formats wav
Created in FL Studio, Zoom F3, Izotope RX8
File size 270.24 MB
Changelog N/A
Duration 00:34:15
Loops seamlessly
Bitrate 1411
Sample rate 44.1 00

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