Pleasure, I'm Skunk, lover of games, art., characters, and stories and everything that involves this beautiful area of games, I hope you like what you'll see here.... I've always loved games and everything related to it. I started modeling characters and weapons at age 14, and I've always done most of the research on my own, from Zbrush, Unity, Blender, Photshop, Sony Vegas, I've always enjoyed researching and learning, I hope you like my work. I'm new to this so I hope we can work and understand each other....thanks for reading this far. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prazer, sou Skunk, adorador de games, art., personagens, e historias e tudo que envolve essa área linda de jogos, espero que goste do que vai ver aqui.... Sou um otako raiz, que dês de sempre ama jogos e tudo relacionado a isso. Comecei a modelar personagens e armas com 14 anos, e sempre fiz a maior parte da pesquisa sozinho, de Zbrush, Unity, Blender, Photshop, SonyVegas, sempre gostei de pesquisar e aprender, espero que goste do meu trabalho. sou novo nisso então espero que possamos trabalhar e nos entender.... obrigado por ler ate aqui. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Joined June 2022
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